Friday, February 1, 2013

Rejection is my middle name

The Famous question of rejection Why me? "I mean look at me" ! Im fine as all hell . I got the baddest walk since Jesus walk on water and the intellectual conversation close to Obama's persuasion and he/ she rejected me ? What did i do? I did all the right things and it wasn't enough. Yeah it happens to the best of us I know . If it can happen to me, it damn sure will happen to u .  Rejection is a Bitch but its not always the word Rejection its self. I  can accept rejection at times but what I can't accept is how it presented to me See it's like this . Its a right way and a wrong way a person can go about with u .  If He/she kindly  Be on a tip like " Im not really feeling u like that but ur cool so maybe we should be friends, or a plain simple naw I don't like ur azz than  that's fine,  your life won't end,  no wrisk will get slit ,  and We won't miss a meal  The same way you crush on them,  you will crush on some one else or better some one will crush on you . The wrong way to go about it is to bush people off and thats something I don't recommend due to the fact it takes alot for that person to even come out to admit how they feel. So the least u can do if ur not feeling a person is to just be honest and show some respect, and another think is when people play alone with it knowing damn well they dont like em but want to play just to have some one on their top .Now don't get me wrong ! Its a possibility they may like you but u dont want that type of attention or vibe ( if u do ever get together inmagine the drama that comes with it ) keep going for example,

u receive a  text : ! ;)

 him : yo
you : hey whats up :D
............10 mins later
him wyd
you reply back fast as shit ( of course thats your crush )
you: watching tv , so how was your day My day was pretty good :)
40 mins later
him it was ard sup wit u tho?

Or worse Yall start talking u find out he got like 6 kids ,  8 baby moms on parole with a warrent and still living with his mom and married and using u as a fallback .

 See what i mean ? that's that bullshit that you don't have time for  got you waiting and waisting  half your life and that nigga wanna play games.  If someone rather they male female, tranny, butch, I don't give a shit what it is gotta u waiting by the phone like that just go ahead and black list dat ass cause they playing games . yeah i know u may think im assuming and maybe i am but 8 out of 10 I highly doubt it I'll tell u a short story .
 Not to long ago I had a crush but i Was an asshole i tried to go beyond to make sure he didnt now but talking alittle reckless to him .... ok i know what ur thinking? how do i expect someone to like me or even know i like them if Im a be reckless with em ... whatever let me finish !! (rolls eyes ) anyways lol at the time i really didnt want him to know so that why u can say i was a ass hole. everyday I really wanted to tell him but i didn't because at first i thought he was on some else's top but that was just me trippin. And being alittle Jealous of they frienship but I had reasons why i didnt want to tell him also ..

Here are my reasons ;
1 : he was in my class and after $32,000 to be a paramedic i dont think i wanted to focus my education on something that may not be worth it what if just a fuck thing and as crazy as i am I highly doubt if i wanna just go thur that .

2: He was alittle stuck -up ,, and thats why i was kinda an ass-hole

3: he was fine as shyt wtf of course u would had too .

4 ; REJECTION { the biggest reason of all } like i said its a right and a wrong way

 So is it worth it ?  Well i had to find out and i couldn't keep it in forever .  So one day I just told him . I'd figured it was best to here from me than from facebook lol. So when I told him i tried to make a joke about it to calm my self down , I was kinda nervous but i came thur and u know whats wrost than a no ?? and no answer at all . Yes he left me just wondering like WHAT DA HELL I DO NOW?  DO I WAIT TO SEE IF HE DOSE OR MAYBE HE DON'T!  BUT WHY NO ANSWER ?? So its really not to much u could do I still never got that answer but I did get over him eventually due to the fact I kinda felt played ! He started flirting with every girl but me i felt like an ass for even telling him and the next day i really became an ass to him I think i hurt his feeling that day i was so erked i really don't remember how but i know after i said what I said I kinda fucked his little ego up (yea people can't keep up with bs for too long ) he was so mad he told me to not come near him lol did I care well after all that not really I took it like this ; im far from tough yes i was upset and did feel bad but if u can't get the person u want than fuck em they dont owe u shit or u owe them shit u have one life your gift they're lost. Its 3.6 billion people in this world hey! Im special to someone Yea he was cute but he was kinda self-assorbed and probaly have alot of girls that liked him but after that day he have one less not in my head im the shyt and the way i made him feel and fuck his head up I know he regret it now  shidd lol he thought i was a joke until that day! Cause he know im a real chick and i won't let that shit inpact my everyday life so . Thats how u gotta be. Its not the first time I've been rejected  and damn sure wont be the last, hell rejection is my middle name so how u think I know this?  But understand this! What ever the first won't see in you the next one is its enough chicken for everybody ;) What for u is what shall get its only one you so its not the end keep ya head up

Until next time !

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